WHat is Homeopathy ?
According to WHO, Homeopathy is the second largest system of medicine which is used by more than 200 Million people worldwide and is more than 200 years old.
More than 100 Million people in India, 100 million in European union, more than 6 million in UK and around 6 million people in USA use homeopathy.
The term “Homeopathy” is derived from the Greek word – Homois meaning “Similar” & Pathos meaning “Disease”.
Homeopathy has a holistic approach in curing the patients and It’s based on the principle on the Latin phase “Similia Similibus Curantur” which means “Like cures Like”.
Homeopathy was founded by Samuel Fedrick Hahnemann (1755-1843) in 1796. Hahnemann studied medicine in Leipzig and graduated MD in 1779 and was also a renowned chemist of his time. He discovered that substances which produce a set of symptoms in a healthy individual is also capable of curing such symptoms in a diseased person. Homeopathy till date has more than 5000 proven remedies derived from primarily from plant,animal and mineral kingdom and sometimes from nosodes, sarcodes and imponderabilia.
How Does Homeopathy Work ?
Homeopathy works on two basic principles, first being “Likes cure Like” which means the substances which can produce a set of symptoms (of ailment) in a healthy individual is capable of curing such symptoms (which might be related to a disease or ailment) in a sick individual.
The Homeopathic Second Principle of Minute doses – Only minimal amount of potentised homeopathic remedies are given to stimulate the body’s ability to Heal itself. Our body is immensely capable of healing, with the help of homeopathic remedies we just are supporting the vital force of the body to heal itself. Homeopathy does not believe in giving large doses of medicines rather stimulating the vital force and making body capable of dealing with the disease itself with the minutest of homeopathic remedies.
Homeopathy is the second largest therapeutic system in the world with more than 200 million people using homeopathy worldwide (As per WHO.)
Homeopathy is a National Medicine system in India, Brazil, Switzerland, Mexico, Pakistan and is used in more than 80 countries worldwide.
In Britain, the homeopathic market is growing at around 20% per year.
According to Indian government: More than 100 million people in India (10% of Indian population) use homeopathy solely for their healthcare needs. According to the Ministry of AYUSH, Homeopathy exhibited an annual growth rate of 26.3% in the past year in India.
Its extensively used in the UK – More than 10% population in UK use Homeopathy – an estimate 6 million people.
More than 6 million people use Homeopathy in the USA.
Homeopathy is becoming increasingly popular in Australia (As per AHA, around a million Australians use homeopathy).
Homeopathy is becoming more popular in Canada and NZ.
Homeopathy – A NANO MEDICINE!
New researches are coming up which support the Medicinal properties present in the homeopathic remedies which helps in the healing of the body.
According to an amazing article in “The integrative practitioner”: Dr. Bell, In her groundbreaking research, identifies human beings as complex, adaptive network systems and homeopathic remedies as adaptive network nanomedicine.
Below mentioned are some informative materials from a Research paper published by Irish R. Bell, M.D, P.H.D:
Homeopathic medicines are nanoparticles (NPs) carrying source material, whose ability to stimulate healing involves mobilizing adaptational amplification mechanisms that lead to changes in global and local function of the individual as a whole complex, self-organized living network.
in 2010, using transmission electron microscopy, electron diffraction and inductively-coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy, Chikramane et al24 demonstrated that liquid forms of six different commercial homeopathic metal remedies from two different manufacturers indeed contain nanoparticles of their bulk form source materials. The homeopathic NPs were present, albeit in small quantities, at 6C potencies, up to 30C and 200C.
Furthermore, NPs can cross biological membranes without difficulty and translocate around the body in blood and lymph.36 Cell membranes and even the blood-brain barrier allow NPs easy access across the gut or into brain and other bodily cells.41 As a result, conventional researchers are now working to develop targeted nanomedicine approaches for treating intracellular infectious diseases such as tuberculosis, hepatitis, and HIV/AIDs.41 These are conditions that homeopaths have been treating with remedies for many years.
There are more than 437 researches available which suggest that Homeopathy is really effective. Below mentioned are some studies which will elaborate about the effectiveness of Homeopathy:
1: A study published in the “Pediatric Infectious disease Journal”-Individualized homeopathy is as effective as the conventional or allopathic treatment like analgesic, antipyretic and antibiotic in Acute Otitis Media (AOM. ) No antibiotic prescription was required in Homeopathic treatment group and the symptomatic relief was quicker with homeopathic remedies.
Further, there are studies https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4804695/ which support the use of homeopathic ear drops in children with Acute Otitis Media.
2: According to a study published in The Journal of Clinical Psychopharmacology – Homeopathy showed greater efficacy in MDD (Major Depressive Disorder) as compared with Fluoxetine (commonly used Allopathic Antidepressant), and in premenstrual syndrome/dysphoric disorder compared with placebo.
3: Rhustox is a popular anti-inflammatory and analgesic homeopathic remedy, which is helpful in relieving the symptoms of rheumatic pain, inflammatory conditions, stiffness of joints.
Experimental studies have shown that homeopathic Millesimal dilutions of Rhus tox reduced primary and secondary arthritic lesions, improved body weight gain.
A national follow-up survey done in US indicated a dramatic increase in CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) by the American public between 1990 and 1997. An estimated 30 to 62 percent of adults in the United States use CAM. Results of the 1990 survey to the U.S. population suggests that in 1990 Americans made an estimated 425 million visits to providers of complementary care. This number exceeded the number of visits to U.S. primary care physicians (388 million).